Genesis 1: 4-25
Science uses the Theory of Evolution to explain the origin of life. It’s the idea that life began as simple single cell organisms & under just the right circumstances & then evolved over time into higher life forms. To me, the theory of evolution is like this: I have a box of wood chips & dirt representing formless molecules & matter. Now, I’ll shake them up and, eventually, it should evolve into some type of life form. Would it help if I kept shaking them for a few billion years? Or found a way to shake them up deep in the ocean near a volcanic thermal vent? That’s evolution -- a bunch of atoms & molecules randomly interacting over billions of yrs & turning into life forms.
Genesis points to Intelligent Design in creation: The only way for these formless molecules & atoms to turn into life is thru the creative work of God. On the 3rd day, GOD proactively created plants, vegetation (vv. 11-13). Yes, God is patient. He didn’t wait around for molecules to randomly interact. “God said…” & there were plants & they were good (v. 12). With nothing more than His Word, God did the impossible: Out of a dark, empty void, He created the universe.
Then, in v. 26, God creates humans, male & female (v. 27). Chapter 2 goes into more detail, explaining how God formed man out dust & breathed life into him; & soon after created woman. Humans were created in the image of God (v. 27), they are the “crown of creation” (Ps 8:5).
They were given the gift of life; now they were to fill the world with more life. To subdue & have dominion over “every living thing” is to be a good steward; a good manager of creation. To be a good steward is to be a blessing -- to each other & to all of creation.
First they are given life & then, in v. 28, “...God blessed them...” This is the theme verse for the entire book of GEN. As we will see, the word BLESSED & BLESSING shows up frequently; 88 times in various forms throughout GEN. That’s more than any other book of the Bible. Not only did God create and bless us but wants to bless others through us. Keep watching for it and remember that you are created for blessing.