Invest a few minutes a day to deepen your understanding of Scripture, by joining us in the “Monthly Bible Challenge.” Whether it’s on your own for personal devotions or with your family for a God-Time routine, it’s an ideal way to share in the process of learning the Bible and growing in the Word.
We have a wonderful opportunity for individuals to grow in God’s Word. Connexus is a small group ministry with a unique mix of fellowship, Bible study, and equipping for witnessing. The Monday group is an intense study that concentrates on a specific book of the Bible. They read or listen to a specific number of chapters every day and discuss them each Monday. The Tuesday group studies the upcoming Sunday sermon text, following the lectionary schedule The Women's Bible Studies on Tuesdays and Wednesdays are specifically geared toward women and are led by Lynda Young. Consider joining one of our Connexus groups and see how you grow in your understanding and appreciation of God’s Word. We are always looking to start new groups. If you are interested in joining an existing group or starting a new one talk with Pastor Brad or Geri Kearney (Youth Coordinator) for more information.
The groups meet from September through May and take a break for the summer.
***** Schedule *****
Carr's Group
Day: Tuesdays
Time: 10 AM
Note: Bring a sack lunch and stay for fellowship afterward!
Connexus 2.0:
Day: Mondays
Time: 12 PM -2 PM
Note: an in-depth study of the Word. Bring your lunch.
Women's Bible Study (Led by Lynda Young)
Day: Tuesdays 1st & 3rd of the month
Time: 6 PM - 7 PM
Women's Bible Study (Led by Lynda Young)
Day: Wednesdays 2nd & 4th of the month
Time: 11 AM-Noon
Please call 641-682-8334 on how to join or for more information and we’ll get you connected!
As disciples, we are called to walk closely with our Lord and to grow in His word. Daily devotions is an important part of discipleship. As a congregation, we have been challenging each other with the 30 day Bible challenge of daily Bible readings which coincide with the Sunday sermons and are the readings for our weekly connexus groups.
We encourage you to take 5 minutes of your day, using the 5 key elements below, to grow in the knowledge of our Lord.